Foundation Step#2: Learning to Set SMART Goals

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This foundation step is a lot of fun and something we have found to be essential for keeping our debt free journey on track. Since graduating from college, Luke and I have learned how to set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time Bound) goals from our corporate jobs. At work, these goals keep our work focused on the company’s vision and also helps us…

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We’re Debt Free: How we paid off $57,000 in a little over 7 months

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We can’t thank you enough for all of your support. We’ve had so many people cheering us on throughout this journey and now we’ve finally made it: we’re officially DEBT FREE! We just finished paying off $57,000 of student loan debt in 7.3 months. Eight months ago we wouldn’t have thought that this was possible. At that time, we weren’t being as intentional with…

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